AMISOM ends a three-day Civil- Military Coordination conference
Mogadishu-19th September 2013: The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) yesterday concluded a three-day conference promoting humanitarian civil-military coordination and civilian protection.
For the first time, AMISOM Civil-Military Coordination (CIMIC) officers from all sectors came together in Mogadishu to share experiences and plan on how best to implement the mission’s mandate and enhance cooperation with civilians. UNSOA supported the conference, with UN OCHA, UNSOM and other UN agencies delivering thematic sessions, leading discussions of case studies that prompted lively discussions on civil-military coordination.
The conference analyzed the current situation in the four sectors of South Central Somalia and explored ways to enrich cooperation with civilian organizations. Focusing on civil-military coordination, the conference also looked at issues affecting vulnerable groups in the complex operating environment of Somalia, especially the issue of gender based violence and child’s rights protection.
AU Special Representative for Somalia, Ambassador Mahamat Saleh Annadif said “this initiative comes at a time when increasing interactions with civilians is crucial to consolidate peace dividends recently gained in Somalia. Although security improvements have been observed, civilian populations continue to be vulnerable.”
Justin Brady, Head of OCHA Somalia remarked: “this Conference is a major step forward in understanding the different mandates of AMISOM and work of humanitarian organizations, assuring a clear distinction of our respective roles”.
Abdul Diagabate, AMISOM Senior Humanitarian Affairs Officer added, “We hope to hold these conferences regularly in Mogadishu. It is important to ensure that AMISOM CIMIC units are engaging effectively with Somali communities and that they are working in coordination with the humanitarian community, according to AMISOM’s mandate. These conferences, bringing the humanitarians and AMISOM to understand each other” .