AMISOM has an urgent need for capacity building and training support in areas not covered by the assessed funding – such as financial management and accountability, executive direction and management, information analysis, security and Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR).
The Trust Fund has supported a wide range of capacity building activities. These include the procurement of a safe-haven production studio for the Mogadishubased Independent Media House; the rehabilitation of 3 Mogadishu Districts; mine action activity involving emergency survey, awareness, identification, removal and disposal of Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) in Mogadishu; and the supply of fuel for Radio Mogadishu and to run generators in three civilian hospitals in Mogadishu.
UNSOA has provided technical and substantive assistance through qualified consultants, and strengthened the capacity of AMISOM staff through financial, management, security and negotiation courses.
Quick Impact outreach projects also included the construction of classrooms for 600 children at Saabir Primary/ Intermediate School in Wardigley District in Mogadishu and the repair of Warmaham Bridge in Wanlewein District, carried out by implementing partners under the supervision of UNSOA, AMISOM and the Federal Government of Somalia.
A total of $3.5 million has been utilized to implement capacity building activities.